Science Fiction Textfiles: Star Trek

Star Trek. I should mention that Star Trek is copyright for now and forever by Paramount Communications, who own not just Star Trek but moral rights on any Science Fiction with weepy aliens who just want to find their inner humanity they share with the Federation. Because of the pervasiveness of both the original series that ran from 1966-1969, the many movies, and the three spin-off series that have taken over the airwaves for the last couple of decades, you can be sure that many, many people might draw inspiration. Both the BBS world and the later Internet Culture would use Star Trek as a jumping-off point for fiction, speculation, and bad computer jokes.

Description of the Textfile
00star_t.rek 12825
Large Listing of Star Trek Books
1stduty.rev 21876
REVIEW: The First Duty (TNG)
3dchessr 6777
The Rules of Star Trek's 3-Dimensional Chess
acruelun 85052
Fan Fiction: A Cruel Universe, by Tanya Dean (1993)
actorsot 44913
Listing of Other Appearances by Star Trek Actors/Actresses
adayinth 30855
Fan Fiction: A Day in the Life of Lt. jg. Ptzzrr Frageilux
aeia 81574
Fan Fiction: Aeia, by Lisa Masterman, 1993
aftersho 117705
Fan Fiction: Aftershock, by Amy Raduege (1995)
agulsrev 39593
Fan Fiction: A Gul's Revenge, by Stephen Ratliff
alaq 267537
Fan Fiction: A La Q, by Kellie Matthews-Simmons & Julia Kosatka
aliens-v 20467
Fan Fiction: The Aliens meet The Next Generation, by Chet "Cheesehead" Cuaresma
alleg.rev 7674
REVIEW: Allegiance (TNG)
alliance 126915
Fan Fiction: Alliances, by M. McKenzie
alternat 26491
Fan Fiction: Alternate Realities, by Rachel Loss-Cutler
amattero 78226
Fan Fiction: A Matter of Gratitutde by David Cardillo
ameetsd1 25731
Fan Fiction: Star Trek A Meets Star Trek D
ameetsd2 16278
Fan Fiction: Star Trek A Meets Star Trek D, Part II: The Wrath of Spock, by Steve Tonner
amiga2.txt 15992
Amiga Trek, The Next Generation 3.0, by Mike Smithwick
analyz30.txt 12752
Program Notes for "tlhIngan Hol pojwI'" (Klingon Language Analyzer)
annota.txt 10432
Star Trek, the Next Generation Annotated Episode List, by Don Sakers & Thomas Atkinson
anothert 30918
Fan Fiction: Turn of the Q, by JoAnne Soper-Cook
armch3-4.txt 42876
Star Trek: TNG: An Armchair Guide (June 1991)
armchr.txt 27666
Star Trek: The Next Generation (An Arm Chair Guide) by Jim Shaun Lyon (July 1990)
arrow.rev 14850
REVIEW: Time's Arrow (TNG)
ascent 35522
Fan Fiction: Ascent, by Christina Teresa
atax 145903
Fan Fiction: Atax, Chapter 1, by Richard S. Guse, 1992)
awakenin 124723
Star Trek: Awakening, by Steven Grimm
backtoth 86782
Back to the Future, the Next Generation, by Ryan Mathews
baptismb 26294
Fan Fiction: Baptism by Fire, by Mark Kinney
bartrek- 15499
Fan Fiction: BarTrek: Picard, Any Card
bartrekb 35616
Fan Fiction: Bar Trek II: The Best of Both Bars, by Todd Alan Bobenrieth
bartreki 29662
Bar Trek II
bartrekt 1279
Promo For BarTrek: The Final Mission
bartrekw 20808
Bar Trek:"Who's Afraid of a Virginia Worf?"
battleof 14736
Fan Fiction A Battle of the Minds, by Wolff Dobson
bellyofw 12700
Fan Fiction: Belly of the Whale, by McMelmon
bellyofw.p1- 38398
FAN FICTION: Belly of the Whale, by McMelmon (April 6, 1992)
best11.rev 13255
REVIEW: The Best of Both Worlds (TNG)
bestsell 47595
Fan Fiction: Star Trek Voyages, by Marc Tailore and James Queen
betrayal 13156
Fan Fiction: Betrayal
betterth 51219
Fan Fiction: Better the Devil you know, by P.D Hubbard
biffsbra 6551
bios.sf 28942
Biographies of various Star Trek Characters, from Compuserve
bizarret 7549
Bizzare Trek Part 2
blackadd 61573
Fan Fiction: BlackAdderLon 59 (Black Adder, Babylon 5 and Star Trek Combined)
blkadr59.txt 88141
Fan Fiction: BlackAdderLon 59 (Black Adder, Babylon 5 and Star Trek Combined) II
boldlyin 88528
Fan Fiction: Boldly in Shadow, by Lorna Payne
bonding.rev 6312
REVIEW: The Bonding (TNG)
booby.rev 6746
REVIEW: Booby Trap (TNG)
borg.txt 8534
FAN FICTION: The Hitchiker's Guide to the BORG by Christopher Keavy
brothers.rev 12616
REVIEW: Brothers (TNG)
bubblegu 48463
Fan Fiction: Bubblegum Trek, by Fred Byon
cadetcru 37934
Fan Fiction: Cadet Cruise, by Stephen Ratliff
cardassi 38275
FAN FICTION: Cardassian Confrontation, by Dave Learn (May 15, 1991)
cause.rev 20477
REVIEW: Cause and Effect (TNG)
chainofc 66409
SCRIPT: "Chain of Command" by Greg Knauss and Jason Snell (1992)
chrono.txt 21282
Star Trek Chronology, according to Stardates, by Scott Sorrell
cirttrek 6505
Fan Fiction: CIRT Trek, by Rory K. McManus (1991)
civstory 25213
FAN FICTION: Civ Paper, by Michael Paul Errante (May 11, 1992) 20461
Discussion of Star Trek Cloaking Devices
clues.rev 11378
collecti 30171
Fan Finction: Collection, by Catherine Weller
compend.ium 56271
Star Trek: The Next Generation Novel Comendium (November 12, 1992) by Ron Carman
conundr.rev 26389
REVIEW: Conundrum (TNG)
cost.rev 10657
REVIEW: Cost of Living (TNG)
cruelmer 96787
Fan Fiction: Cruel Mercy, by Patrick Parker (1992)
crystalb 27285
Fan Fiction: Crystal Burning (DS9) by Brenda S. Antrium 1995
cupidsph 15836
Fan Fiction: Cupid's Phaser, by Ron Stein
danceofc 35095
Fan Fiction: Dance of Chameleon and Mirror, by Alara Rogers
darkdawn 278945
Fan Fiction: Dark Dawn, by B.J. Henry
darkestd 251407
Fan Fiction: Star Trek: Darkest Days, by Sean Corbett
darmok.rev 14643
REVIEW: Darmok (TNG)
data.rev 8254
REVIEW: Data's Day (TNG)
dataandf 14868
Fan Fiction: Data and Friend, by Katharine Shade
datasfir 27248
Fan Fiction: Data's First Christmas, by Ron Stein
datasval 12425
Fan Fiction: The Valentine's Day Party, by Benjamin Hoppe
deceptio 301630
Fan Fiction: Deceptions by B.J. Henry
deep9.bib 32487
The Deep Space Nine Bible
deepspac.ep1 38739
Fan Fiction: Deep Space Adder, by David Gilbert
defector.rev 9036
REVIEW: The Defector (TNG) 4364
Fan Fiction: Deity, by Daniel Allen Prust
dejaq.rev 9117
deliveru 67156
Fan Fiction: Deliver Us From Evil, by Bonnie Holmyard (1991)
delphi 476298
Fan Fiction: Delphi, by Suhay Shaunak
derelict 54977
Fan Fiction: Derelict, by P.J. Hubbard
devil.rev 10200
REVIEW: Devil's Due (TNG)
dilemma 10947
Fan Fiction: Dilema, by Alara Rogers
disaster.rev 9048
REVIEW: Disaster (TNG)
doomsday 53272
Fan Fiction: TNG meets the Doomsday Machines, by W. V. Smith 1991
doubleje.sto 54361
Fan Fiction: Double Jeopardy, by Lisle Brown (1993)
drumhead.rev 15555
REVIEW: The Drumhead (TNG)
ds9-chan 61106
Fan Fiction: Changes: A Deep Space Nine Story (1994)
ds9-maam 28621
Fan Fiction: Ma'am? by Joyce Antrium
ds9-thec 119511
Fan Fiction: The Chip, by Glen Johnson (December 1993)
ds9_paro 7705
ds9thefi 7105
HACK-MAN parody: Deep Space Nine -- the First Adventure
ds9xmas 48924
Fan Fiction: "A DS9 Christmas" by Jennifer Shipp
dsn0493.txt 16566
The Star Trek Deep Space Nine List of Lists (April 7, 1993) by Mark Holtz
dunethen 91921
Dune: The Next Generation
dwarftre 69729
Dwarf Trek, by Richard Burton
elizabet 22051
Fan Fiction: Elizabeth, by Bridget Olson
emailent 4578
Star Trek V: The E-Mail Message
emissary.rev 5728
REVIEW: The Emissary (TNG)
enc-s1.txt 72147
Star Trek: The Next Generation First Season Encyclopedia (1989)
enc-s2.txt 93106
Star Trek: The Next Generation Second Season Encyclopedia (1989)
enc-s3.txt 201033
Star Trek: The Next Generation Third Season Encyclopedia (1990)
enemy.rev 8277
REVIEW: The Enemy (TNG)
enemy_of 378114
Fan Fiction: The Enemy of my Enemy, by Johnathan Geld (1991)
ensignro.rev 11250
REVIEW: Ensign Ro (TNG)
enterpri 39058
Fan Fiction: Enterprized, by Stephen Ratliff (1993)
episodes.txt 3456
Star Trek Episodes - Chronological list by air date
ethics.rev 13724
REVIEW: Ethics (TNG)
excalibu 119865
FAN FICTION: A Trick of the Light: An Excalibur Epic by Wlater S. George (October 20, 1994)
excelsio.txt 38538
Excelsior: The Technical Manual, by Brad Wilson
family.rev 10482
REVIEW: Family (TNG)
fantasym 69007
FAN FICTION: Fantasy Meets Reality, by Jennifer Shipp (May 6, 1994)
faq-svoy.txt 19215
Information on the New Star Trek Series (October 29th, 1993)
fieldofd 95388
FAN FICTION: The Field of Dreams, by Christopher Walck (December 16, 1993)
final.rev 10726
REVIEW: Final Mission (TNG)
first.rev 20531
REVIEW: First Contact (TNG)
firstcon 7868
FAN FICTION: Star Trek: First Contact, by Niko White (December 19, 1994)
firstlor 20142
FAN FICTION: First Lore, by Kate Orman (July 30, 1993)
fivestar 173646
FAN FICTION: Five Star Trek, from Matthew C. Melmon (September 17, 1992)
flashbac 159017
FAN FICTION: Flashback (DS9) by Brenda S. Antrim (April 22, 1994)
foolsinh 45483
FAN FICTION: Fools in hell: Emergency, by Dylan Winslow (January 24, 1994)
foundout 26436
FAN FICTION: Found Out, by Craig Levin (May 4, 1991)
frontier 20362
FAN FICTION: Frontier Medicine, by Brenda S. Antrim (December 1994)
future.rev 10622
REVIEW: Future Imperfect (TNG)
galactic 103465
FAN FICTION: Galactica and Enterprise, by Jeff Standish (April 17, 1990)
galaxy.rev 10064
REVIEW: Galaxy's Child (TNG)
game.rev 11202
REVIEW: The Game (TNG)
gamespeo 92997
FAN FICTION: Games People Play, by David B. Mears (1991)
geigernov.sf 254453
FAN FICTION: Q and A by Doug Geiger (1990)
genelett.txt 5632
A Letter to the Next Generation, by Gene Roddenberry (Star Trek)
generat.rev 20078
REVIEW: Generations, from Dreamwatch Magazine (February, 1995)
generati 22292
FAN FICTION: Generations 2: Generations Ahead by Anne-Lise Pasch (February 17, 1995)
ghostsfr 332422
FAN FICTION: Ghosts From the Past, by Colin J. Wynne (January 12, 1993)
goy 93930
FAN FICTION: The Ghosts of Yesteryear, by David Mears (February 2, 1991)
graduati 269778
FAN FICTION: Graduation: The Green Chronicle by Melissa Wilson (February 1, 1995)
greystar 136072
FAN FICTION: The Bridge of the U.S.S. Resilient (June 24, 1992)
half.rev 9942
REVIEW: Half a Life (TNG)
happybda 40696
FAN FICTION: Happy Birthday to You from Q, by Ronald Orenstein (1994)
heavenss 57022
FAN FICTION: Heaven's Shroud, by Cream
hellrais.cro 13249
FAN FICTION: A Hellraiser/Trek Crossover, by Nikolai Kingsley (August 8, 1994)
heritage 118134
FAN FICTION: Heritage, by Mr. RL Nicol (November 14, 1993)
hero.rev 10008
REVIEW: Hero Worship (TNG)
hhgtrek1.txt 73476
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Star Trek, Part 1
highgr.rev 7996
REVIEW: The High Ground (TNG)
hitcborg.txt 7690
The Hitchiker's Guide to the Borg, by Christopher Keavy
hitcborgf.txt 18979
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Borg, by Christopher Keavy (Full Version, with Author Comments on Front)
holiday.rev 6582
REVIEW: Captain's Holiday (TNG)
hollow.rev 8049
REVIEW: Hollow Pursuits (TNG)
homeiswh 133725
FAN FICTION: Home is Where the Heart Is, by Andres Castineiras (May 11, 1992)
honoroft 104245
FAN FICTION: For the Honor of the Empire, by Peter Brown (April 8, 1992)
host.rev 8489
REVIEW: The Host (TNG)
human.rev 10114
REVIEW: Suddenly Human (TNG)
hunted.rev 5333
REVIEW: The Hunted (TNG)
i-locutu 131921
FAN FICTION: I, Locutus, by R. L. Nichol (March 23, 1993)
iborg.rev 19187
icarus.rev 4749
REVIEW: The Icarus Factor (TNG)
identity.rev 9821
REVIEW: Identity Crisis (TNG)
ilm.txt 5145
Information on the Special Effects by Industrial Light and Magic for Star Trek II and III
imagin.rev 13852
REVIEW: Imaginary Friend (TNG)
inf_ds9.txt 4610
StarTrek Info Lists: Deep Space Nine (May 5, 1993)
inf_film.txt 3994
StarTrek Info Lists: Movies (May 5th, 1993)
inf_tas.txt 2984
StarTrek Info Lists: The Animated Series (May 5, 1993)
inf_tng.txt 27671
StarTrek Info Lists: The Next Generation (May 5, 1993)
inf_tos.txt 12065
StarTrek Info Lists: The Original Series (May 5, 1993)
inherita 67967
FAN FICTION: Inheritance by Corinne Cullen Hawkins (May 8, 1991)
inlight.rev 19816
REVIEW: The Inner Light (TNG)
int_gate.txt 7635
Gates McFadden: Smalltown Kid Makes Good, by TJ Goldstein (November 8, 1992)
int_stw1.txt 20970
Patrick Stewart Interview on Radio 1 (April 29, 1993)
int_stw2.txt 20643
Patrick Stewart Interview on Tonight Show with Jay Leno (October 12, 1993)
intempor 34006
FAN FICTION: In Temporal Order, by Mark Hopkins (February 8, 1995)
julia 35952
FAN FICTION: Julia, Part 1 by Anthony Tecce (February 1, 1995)
jumpstar 7543
FAN FICTION: Jump Start, by Cameron Dixon (January 3, 1995)
kirk&gra.txt 2826
Capt. Kirk & The Holy Grail - A Usenet Parody in one act
klinedit.txt 5553
Klingons and "Fusion" Klingons
klinglan.faq 23830
FAQ: Alt.Startrek.Klingon (December 12, 1994)
klinglng.txt 15997
Information on the Klingon Language (FAQ)
klingon.txt 5565
Klingon as a Second Language from Lynn Van Matre (March 13, 1993)
klinlang.txt 98877
An Introduction to the Klingon Language from the Board Room BBS
ladder.rev 4235
REVIEW: Up the Long Ladder (TNG)
leaptrek 153837
FAN FICTION: Leap Trek II by Knights (October 6, 1992)
leastgen.stt 10083
Star Trek: The Least Generation (Star Trek Parody)
legacy.rev 10602
REVIEW: Legacy (TNG) 25456
Star Trek Locations, by D. Joseph Creighton (January 12, 1993)
loss.rev 9141
REVIEW: The Loss (TNG)
lovesick 48761
FAN FICTION: Love Sickness by Catherine Weller (May 29, 1994)
manhunt.rev 3868
REVIEW: Man Hunt (TNG)
mashtosc 45639
FAN FICTION: Mash/Star Trek Story by Tim north (July 29, 1991)
masks 56552
FAN FICTION: Masks, by Sandra Guzdek (December 17, 1993)
master.rev 14378
REVIEW: The Masterpiece Society (TNG)
masterti 207282
The Star Trek Master Timeline by Kasey K.S. Chang (April 5, 1993)
matter.rev 11211
REVIEW: A Matter of Time (TNG)
mccoy.sf 1566
The Complete List of "I'm A Doctor, not a ______"
megatrek.txt 83187
Star-Trek, the Megalisting by Lykos
mementom 105276
FAN FICTION: Memento Mori, by R. L. Nichol (November 8, 1993)
menage.rev 7763
REVIEW: Menage a Troi (TNG)
mindseye.rev 22440
REVIEW: The Mind's Eye (TNG)
minormis 58513
FAN FICTION: Star Trek: Minor Misdirections, by Tim Huckvale (September 23, 1993)
mirror-m 37011
FAN FICTION: Mirror, Mirror: The Next Generation, by Michael J. Montoure (October 28, 1992)
mirror-m.tng 38059
FAN FICTION: An Errand of Malice by michael Montoure (September 23, 1990)
mithrais 24889
FAN FICTION: Mithrais takes a Q by A. Rex (July 10, 1994)
monkey.tra 56896
FAN FICTION: The Monkey Trap, by David Hawkins (April 25, 1991)
morethan 101909
FANFICTION: Star Trek: More than Meets the Eye, Part 1 by Sandra Guzdek (August 10, 1993)
mothersa 36648
FANFICTION: Star Trek: Mothers and Daughters by Julie Pizor
moviesli 12906
Star Trek Movie Lists of Lists by Mark Holtz (January 2, 1992)
mrstroi 1934
FANFICTION: Star Trek: Ms. Troi
murderon 69377
FANFICTION: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Murder One, by Mard D. Shuchat (August 1, 1994) 37149
The Periodic List of Star Trek Music (July 15, 1992)
music.txt 36100
List of Star Trek Music
ncc1701d.txt 487
ASCII Art of the Star Trek NCC1701-D
new-outi 53274
FAN FICTION: Out in the Open, by Sandra Fuzdek (May 27, 1992)
newgr.rev 10920
REVIEW: New Ground (TNG)
nextph.rev 14184
REVIEW: The Next Phase (TNG)
night.rev 8092
REVIEW: Night Terrors (TNG)
noescape 123382
FANFICTION: No Escape from Reality, by Terri M. Librande (March 23, 1993)
notthete 45502
Not the Technical Manual: Discussion of Star Trek Science
nth.rev 12364
REVIEW: The Nth Degree (TNG)
ntm.txt 57465
Not the Technical Manual: Discussion of the Science of Star Trek (August 15, 1993)
nxtnxtgn.stt 22769
Star Trek: The Next NeXT Generation
ofspring.rev 8498
REVIEW: The Offspring (TNG)
outcast.rev 17385
REVIEW: The Outcast (TNG)
parody 46067
FANFICTION: Star Trek: The Next Degeneration: Where No Sane Man Woul Go
peak.rev 5607
REVIEW: Peak Performance (TNG)
penpals.rev 4738
REVIEW: Pen Pals (TNG)
perfect.rev 12901
REVIEW: The Perfect Mate (TNG)
pers.trk 20135
Starfleet Personnel as of Stardate 45944 by Scott Hollifield
persp.rev 9351
REVIEW: A Matter of Perspective (TNG)
places.faq 58208
Star Trek Locations by D. Joseph Creighton (March 13th, 1994)
pow_srch.stt 4723
Star Trek: In Search of Power
power.rev 15035
REVIEW: Power Play (TNG)
price.rev 5516
REVIEW: The Price (TNG)
primitiv.lif 61170
FAN FICTION: Primitive Life, by Barnett C. Hsu (1991)
qanda.tre 275737
FANFICTION: Q and by Doug Geiger
qlue 38344
FANFICTION: Qlue (or, Man, Do I Ever Need A Vacation!) by Sandra Guzdek (August 14, 1992)
qlue.txt 38834
FAN FICTION: QLUE, by Sandra Guzdek (1992)
qpid.rev 12486
qr_ds9.txt 6244
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Quick Reference Guide First Season
qr_tng.txt 30834
Star Trek: The Next Generation Quick Reference Guide Episode 1
qriosity 29934
FANFICTION: Q'riosity by Patricia Ann La Ferrara (October 15, 1994)
quantumq 17482
FANFICTION: Quantum Q, by Joanne Soper-Cook (February 4, 1995)
quiz.txt 6546
Star Trek Trivia Quiz
qwho.rev 4440
races.trk 23477
The Peoples of Star Trek The Next Generation Through Season 5, by Scott Hollifield
redemp.rev 14600
REVIEW: Redemption (TNG)
redemp2.rev 16695
REVIEW: Redemption II (TNG)
reins 119579
FAN FICTION: Reins of Power, by Steven Grimm (April 23, 1991)
rematch 57288
FANFICTION: Remate, by Lawrence Wright
remember.rev 14905
REVIEW: Remember Me (TNG)
reunion.rev 19958
REVIEW: Reunion (TNG)
revenge 73733
FAN FICTION: Revenge, by VT102 (March 4, 1992)
roadless.txt 120526
roggalac 121237
FANFICTION: Enterprise vs. Galactica (May 30, 1990)
sarek.rev 8697
seas4.rev 6376
REVIEW: Season 4 of Star Trek: The Next Generation
season5.rev 25039
REVIEW: Season 5 of Star Trek: The Next Generation
shades.rev 6072
REVIEW: Shades of Gray (TNG)
shadowsi 10613
FANFICTION: Shadows in the Mist, by Sandra Guzdek (May, 1992)
ships.faq 33788
Listing of Star Trek Sjhips by D. Joseph Creighton (March 13, 1994)
ships.trk 12527
Star Trek Ship Index by Scott Hollifield
silence 666101
FAN FICTION: Silence, by Kellie Matthews-Simmons (August 31, 1993)
silicon.rev 12339
REVIEW: Silicon Avatar (TNG)
sins.rev 7397
REVIEW: Sins of the Father (TNG)
smartin.rev 3158
REVIEW: Samaritan Snare (TNG)
spacebat.cro 62563
FANFICTION: Space Battle, by Jon R-B (May 6, 1992)
speculat 38484
The Star Trek: The Next Generation Speculative Chronology Version 1.4 by Scott Hollifield (October 1, 1993)
st-drink.txt 4108
Star Trek: The Drinking Generation (Drinking Game)
st-isop.txt 4651
Star Trek: In Search of Power
st-locat 76334
Star Trek Locations by D. Joseph Creighton (1994)
st-satnl.txt 20867
The Last Voyage of the Starship Enterprise (June 1976, SNL) by Michael O.Donoghue
st-thefi.p1- 41539
FAN FICTION: The Adventures of the USS Horizon, by Scheetz (October 22, 1992)
st-timel 19156
A Star Trek Timeline
st_a.txt 41184
The Star Trek TNG List of Lists
st_b.txt 63665
Star Trek TNG List of Lists [2/2] (April 1, 1992)
st_epi.txt 18964
Star Trek Episode Guide (Original Series) (August 3, 1983)
st_kzin.txt 14846
KZINTI (Inclusionary Data for the Star Trek Universe)
st_nov88.txt 20038
Star Trek Novels: The Year in Review [1988]
st_nov89.txt 20312
Star Trek Novels: The Year in Review [1989]
st_nov92.txt 23968
Star Trek Novels: The Year in Review [1992]
st_pilot.txt 11000
Pilot Episodes and unaired Episodes of the Star Trek Universe
st_roman.txt 10109
ST:TOS Romance/Love List Version 9 by Richard A. Muirden (December 3, 1991)
st_timel.txt 203290
The Star Trek Master Timeline by Kasey K.S. Chang (April 5, 1993)
st_tloop.txt 29105
Time loops, Yesterday's Enterprise, and Tasha Yar Explained (October 15)
star-fle.phy 29031
On the Super-Physics of Sub-Space Communication, Warp-Drive and Matter-Teleporters by Sarfatti and Jason W. Hinson (January 23, 1993)
stardate.txt 928
How to Convert to the Stardate
starsand 49443
FANFICTION: Stars and Blights Forever (Star Trek and Dr. Who)
startrek 87484
FANFICTION: Star Trek - The New Frontier - Xmas Special (December 16, 1993)
startrek.txt 14851
The Star Trek Episode Guide by Apple Avenger
startrk.txt 4061
Another Star Trek Drinking Game
stmeetsl 5121
FAN FICTION: Star Trek Meets Lost in Space, by Uri Lessing
stratege 92604
FAN FICTION: Strategem: A Star Trek Next Generation Story, by E. David Jansing (1993)
stsc.hum 6473
Some Comments on a Star Trek Script
sttech.txt 67101
Star Trek Technology, by Leon Myerson
sttng1.hum 32881
Star Trek TNG Block 1 Episode Guide
theandor 49469
FAN FICTION: The Andorian Assault, by Andrew Clark (June 2, 1992)
thegreat.p1- 283748
FAN FICTION: The Great American Star Trek Novel by Eileen Simpson (August 29, 1992)
theinter 4600
FAN FICTION: The Interview, by Dave Schaumann (November 11, 1992)
theory.rev 12139
REVIEW: In Theory (TNG)
theraven 145215
FAN FICTION: The Raven's Roar, by Neale Davidson (August 13, 1992)
theretur 68805
FAN FICTION: The Return, by Howard Chu (1992)
theunfai 88673
FAN FICTION: The Unfair Quo, by Neale Davidson (September 4, 1992)
thewitne 107072
The Witness, by Kathryn J. Aikin (July 7, 1992)
tinman.rev 7372
tng-meet 7825
FAN FICTION: Star Trek Meets the Three Little Pigs by Sharad Gupta (1993)
tngdrink.txt 25446
Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Canonical Drinking Game, Compiled by Mark Yocom
toys.rev 8173
REVIEW: The Most Toys (TNG)
transfig.rev 7023
REVIEW: Transfigurations (TNG)
trek.faq 38775
The Star Trek Frequently Asked Questions File 9/18/90
trek.tng 2941
Star Trek Drinking Song
trek.vt 21667
A Star Trek Episode in VT100 Codes
trek_gde.txt 75768
A Guide to Star Trek in Dungeons and Dragons
trekbook.sf 8137
Adaptations of the Live TV Series from Bantam
trekland 65048
FAN FICTION: Treklander, by John F. Moore III (1994)
trekmlin.txt 43400
Frequently Asked Questions about Multi-Lingual Star Trek (December 1992)
treknolo 66067
Treknology Rationalization
trekscip.hum 12047
Slightly Off-Color Star Trek Next Generation Script
trekwars 157687
FAN FICTION: Trek Wars: Part I: Exodus
tselar 154660
FAN FICTION: T'Selar, by Patrick Parker (July 12, 1992)
unify1.rev 18375
REVIEW: Unification I (TNG)
unify2.rev 23979
REVIEW: Unification II (TNG)
vengnc.rev 5852
REVIEW: The Vengeance Factor (TNG)
violate.rev 12774
REVIEW: Violations (TNG)
voices.txt 53142
FAN FICTION: Voices, by Brenda S. Antrim (1995)
voyager.rev 8233
REVIEW: Voyager, by Dreamwatch (February, 1995)
voyages1 47825
FAN FICTION: Best-Seller, by James Queen (May 21, 1992)
voyages2 40193
FAN FICTION: Orion the Abductor, by James Squeen (May 27, 1992)
w95_trek.txt 4171
Star Trek Meets Windows 95
warp.txt 15362
Explaining Warp Numbers with Way Too Much Math
warpte.txt 66478
Star Trek Technology, by Leon myerson
warptech.txt 14602
Some Dicsussions of the Meaning of Star Trek's Warp Engine Technology
watchers.rev 8311
REVIEW: Who Watches the Watchers? (TNG)
weddingr 19590
Review of a Star Trek Wedding
workshop 9927
Review of a symposium held by some Star Trek Writers
worldoft.p1- 29819
FAN FICTION: World of Two Moons by Matthew Melmon (November 14, 1992)
worlds.trk 16870
Collection of Worlds Mentioned in Star Trek: TNG
worstbot.txt 44782
Fan Fiction: The Worst of Both Worlds by Cindy Bell
wounded.rev 13341
REVIEW: The Wounded (TNG)
yest1.rev 9642
REVIEW: Yesterday's Enterprise (TNG)
yest2.rev 8768
REVIEW: Yesterday's Enterprise (TNG)
zine65.txt 24447
DATELINE: Starfleet Issue #6 (November 15, 1995)

There are 342 files for a total of 16,142,638 bytes.